Tuesday, July 28, 2009

UFDC Convention – Day 4

Budget, what budget?
I’m back with some more convention news, kind of like a diary isn’t it. Well, I got to be in Sherrill Williams’s workshop and we made a Papeterie. (French, a little letter desk.) I have borrowed the picture again from the convention to attach to this as the kits were made up and mine looked EXACTLY like Sherrill’s. Well it did! She did the kit and there was no way to fail, and yes, I did finish it, in my room later during my sewing and quiet time. Thank Goodness I scheduled those, too.
On Tuesday evening I had chatted with hubby and we discussed how the money was holding out. “Well, thank you, except well, my friends and I have had really different schedules and I didn’t plan to, but if there is room in the luncheon I would like to go to a paid luncheon and join them on Friday. And I am going back to the National Doll Show tomorrow as I have scheduled time. There were a couple of places I didn’t know about and I want to check them out. And maybe I’ll see if a doll is left. It’s the last day of the show.” I assured him I had enough money to do what I needed and do my tipping when I left, etc. etc.
So, completing my Papeterie workshop I headed down to registration to see if any space was left in the luncheon, called “Girl with the Pearl Earring.” Interesting! The gift was a surprise; no one knew what we were paying for other than lunch. Well, I got into that and reported back to the other members at large from here that I meet once a month.
Quickly, run to my room and catch the bus back to the National Doll Show. It would be closing at 7.00 PM (though we were told it was at 5 PM) Why I worry about such things I will never know but I did have to get back for pictures. My assigned times were 6-6.30 for the competition room and 6:30-7:00 for the Special Exhibits. Once again, I digress. Off to the National Doll Show I went.
I arrived and went to see all the places I missed the first time. OMG! The dolls are still there! Crap now what? That brings us to budget, what budget? No one bought the dolls. I thought it would be easy; I could buy the one that no one wanted and wouldn’t have to make a decision. I still could not decide. “So, “I said, “what’s the price for both?” (Greed, that sin of sins) So, to make a long story short I went over budget but not by a whole lot. (Ring ring, I used the charge card! Someone had to; people’s jobs were at stake. It was my duty as citizen of the United States to keep that money moving!)
I finally sat in the heat and waited 45 minutes outside for the bus. No one was going to even drag me into the hall of temptation. I had broken my budget and had to pay the piper.
I went back to the hotel, charge receipts in my wallet, dolls wrapped in my purse, tee-he, tee-he, big grin on my face and cooled off. I went to supper and met more friends. Friends who understood the trying events of the day, and how easily it is to give in to temptation and truly believing that if those dolls were still there on the last day, it was MEANT TO BE!
I went off to take my pictures, stay tuned. Yes, the food was delicious. I ate the whole hamburger AND the fries. I managed to blow the budget and the diet all in one day. Well, Fiddly-Dee tomorrow is another day.
Stay tuned. Kathi
p.s. by Michelle: Did I tell you I was seriously jealous!

1 comment:

Pattyjo said...

How wonderful! I wish I had a tiny, tiny bit of your talent! Your very creative and I love your blog!
Pattyjo :+)