Begin with pink ribbon slipped between the prongs of the rose tool. Place a small amount of glue on the end, fold ribbon over prongs to meet and begin to roll, at least one time around.

Fold the ribbon 45 degrees and secure with dot of glue at the base.

Continue with folds for two or three more “petals". Secure with dot of glue at the base and clip away the pink ribbon.

Place a bit of glue on the pink ribbon edge and begin again with a yellow ribbon

Continue several folds, pictures 6, 7, 8 until you have the desired fullness.

Step Nine
Press a bit into shape after the yellow ribbons is removed.

If desired add a couple of additional petals of pink as shown here in pink. Remove from rose tool and add stem if desired.

Step Eleven
Clip about 1/3” green ribbon at angle on either end. Glue this bit to the underside of the rose to appear as a calyx.

Step 12
Glue more small ribbon snips to represent leaves.

Oh,thanks for tutorial!
Where can I get the rose tool? Thanks for the tutorial.
You can find the ribbon rose tool here:
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