I have been working on these little buggers for months. I took the pictures and for some reason just did not want to show them off. I worked so hard on them to get them right I just wanted to keep them to myself. But now is the time to show them off. Push them out of the nest you might say. It is a marriage of my two loves: Enameling and Miniatures. I have been a miniaturist for years. When I started to make jewelry and then enameling I have been thinking about these little houses for a while. I finally had a "free" evening...put aside everything else and just started to figure it out. First making then little house out of card stock. Then out of copper. AL LOT of crooked little houses later and I managed to make one. Then I thought I better see if I could actually do it again...more crooked houses....and I managed to get 4 more. The bodies are made of copper, windows cut, roof and door cut and soldered on. I choose to solder them even though it took extra time because I did not want them to fall apart in the kiln. Things also expand and contract when they are heated and cool in the kiln so cracks could form. You can find them on ArtFire: Teka and Zoe.
You should be quite proud! These are Oh, so adorable! I can imagine all the time involved. I love your miniatures, they keep me so delighted and entertained!
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Creative Doll
The Creative Doll exists to inform and delight. The team of Michelle Mahler of Doll Artist's Workshop (minidolls.com) and Kathi R. Mendenhall, La Petite Belle Patterns (minipatterns.com) are doll makers and doll lovers. We hope to bring you interesting finds, things to muse and to help you to create.
So beautiful! You have combined two of my loves; miniatures, of course, and the house form. :)
Quite wonderful!
You should be quite proud! These are Oh, so adorable! I can imagine all the time involved. I love your miniatures, they keep me so delighted and entertained!
So lovely! I love the colors....and now maybe a little dolly to live inside?
Thank-you all so much! I fear if I made a little doll to go inside I may lose my mind! It would be very tiny. I have never gone below 1/24 scale.
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