Sunday, August 17, 2008

Chapter 7 - Her Skirt

Emilie has taken her last growth spurt and has come of age so it is time to lower the hems of her dresses to full length. She is now a full 12" tall. (That is 5'6" in real people size.) Here Emilie Claire poses with her skirt both front and side. Her skirt created using white dotted Swiss with a pink Swiss batiste lining. There is a fine lace edging with a ruffle French ribbon on top. Emilie likes clean lines and simple decorations. The pattern she saw in a book had a beautiful ruffle around the bottom. Emilie thought it did not fit her personality very well and asked for a smaller ribbon ruffle. She is as pleased as the pink goes well with her strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. "This will be the most beautiful traveling suit," she exclaims to the dressmaker. "Mother", she adds, "Do you thing we can go the hat maker and see if she has roses the color of Grandmother's roses? Wouldn't they be grand on a pink hat to match?"

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