Today, Cheryl Manard, was introducing us to a leather travel case for our French Fashion Dolls. It even came with the toiletry items. I have to admit now that I did not finish the case. I wanted to do something my way. I was also unsure of how many items I wanted to add to my case. I lack only the gluing in of the lining and the additions. This was a more complex case than I was used to making in a workshop, but I was able to make the whole thing and I am happy with the results. Cheryl was a good teacher.
Publisher’s Preview would open at 7:00 PM and I promised Judy I would get her a book. First things first, suppertime. Stetson’s is the high-end steakhouse inside the hotel. Why not, I had been eating sandwiches and maintaining my good balance all week. I certainly had walked enough for it. I ordered a filet and steamed broccoli. I did not order potatoes or desert. However, I did indulge in fresh bread with real butter. The service was so great. I had forgotten to order the sauce for my filet and when I got my waiter’s attention he said, “You wanted the BĂ©arnaise?” How did he know? He had already ordered it for me. He surprised at the end with two chocolate covered strawberries, which I ate slowly.
I managed to figure out the crush called Publisher’s Preview in time to get the very last book for my friend Judy, and was able to get it signed. I was able to pay for and order my own, but it has not yet shown. I am sure it will soon. It is coming from France and I cannot wait. I purchased some new patterns and renewed my subscriptionn to the French Fashion Review. It’s all good!
Tomorrow, the banquet!
1 comment:
Wonderful reporting! I love the page that you made with the travel case. That case is really very nice. I really appreciate your reporting. It is just like being there..and I also love the references to the food you ate!
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