My morning routine was wonderful. Chat with hubby over coffee, read some, project some, and shower and dress. Always ready and waiting for class at 9:00 AM. This particular morning was no different. Some of you know me and know that I am quiet. Not necessarily introverted, but could be if I let myself. Could be a hermit and be happy, too! In my cave, with my toys, mail order items delivered straight to me and left on my doorstep. However, I digress.
For the first time, EVER, I went straight to the front of the class and sat down in front of the teacher. (I have sat in front before but not usually by choice.) I got a pink bag! That is a big deal, as I love pink. Today I was dead front with one of my favorite teachers. Sheryl Williams. Today we were making a Hat, muff and stole to fit our 12” French Fashion Dolls. In addition, she and her sister made us presentation boxes to go with them; so sweet. At the end of three hours, I had not finished, but I was close.
It was lunchtime now. I will never again complain about the walking, as I was able to get my sandwich some fruit and a piece of chocolate cake. I adore chocolate cake. (With white icing) During this year of dieting (no carbs, no sugar), I have learned to live without bread and pasta. I no longer pine for cookies, pies, or even chocolate candy as sacrilegious as that sounds. Nevertheless, I have NOT been able to get over chocolate cake or PIZZA! I need them as surely as I need air and water. This week only, I eat cake! We already know it did not matter I still lost weight. One pound! I will take it and be thrilled. (Yes, I think about food a lot!)
I took my lunch to my room to eat; and was able to finish my project. I am so proud. I worry real life will get in the way and I will not get back to finish my projects.
Two o’clock came fast and I went to the “Artistry of Kathy Redmond” seminar. Last year in the blog regarding my purchase of two half dolls, I learned they were Kathy Redmond half dolls and have learned a bit more about her since then. The seminar was wonderfully informative and now I know more about the artist who made them. I did not know how to finish them and had to learn much about the process before the convention. There was a category in the competition room for Kathy Redmond and I decided to enter. (Crazy me, if you do not try, you will never know.) Jennifer last year suggested in her comments that I should do one in her wedding dress and one in an anniversary mode. I took her advice.
The wedding dress is not completed. I have a picture of the finished pincushion doll for you today. Thanks, Jennifer I could not have figured it without you.
I had another two hours before the “Around the World with BJD’s” program and at 8 PM the Gathering for the Ultimate Fashion Dolls. I think there is too much to say here for one day, so will continue in another blog post.
UFDC Wednesday
1 comment:
Excellent being there.
That page is wonderful that you made. Thanks so much for such detailed reports! You have a great way with words.
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