Monday, October 14, 2024

Yes, It has been a long time!

Before I start writing for the blog again, there are a couple of updates for you. I share this blog with Michelle Mahler of Michelle is hoping to sell The Doll Artist’s Workshop, where she sells supplies, fabrics, trims, and assorted items to create and dress miniature dolls. 

 I will be writing this blog. 

 We have worked out, or rather not yet figured out why the reading view was covered up with the red background. We tried many ways to fix this, and the result was to remove the background and voila a readable blog. For those who were unaware of the issues, I will share them with you. And because I am both an iPad and PC user, the information came to me a little late. I hadn’t noticed. Readers on Apple or iOS products (Mac, iPhone, iPad) were getting different views. Is the level of upgrade the problem, or is it Google? Is it something else? Were the programming languages colliding in some way? We do not know but are greatly appreciative of those who checked things out and reported findings. For those who had no issues, this is what was happening. This is the original format and how we wanted it to look.
This picture clearly shows that the background is now covering all content. The background for the iOS users was on top and not behind the content.
The header with Emilie Claire doll will remain the same.
The simplest answer was to remove the background. The content is now visible with the background removed.
I like this view. The content is readable, it is lovely as linen as it represents our primary content is sewing for dolls. Going forward, I have retained a professional to take care of these things for me so I can create some meaningful content. Kathi