Monday, February 10, 2014

Country Armoire, Part Four

Before teaching my part of the birdhouse and bird’s nest, I took some inspiration from magazines.  One nest is from Victoria Magazine, the other is from Williams- Sonoma.  (Yes, those are chocolate eggs!  Yummy!) My turn came to teach the birdhouse and the nest, the inset shows the basic items.  Each person decorated to her own design. 
Birds Nest from Victoria Magazine
I used cardstock to make the bolts and cut tiny print cottons for the fabric to match my color scheme.  Marla Gilbert made the bunny; the metal etched glasses are a purchased item.  I made a little pin cushion with some wire with the ends dipped in paint.  I cannot remember but I believe the little yellow rubber glass was from a grab bag (?), and the flowers are centers of silk flowers.  They, too, are plastic.

You can see that I have moved on to add other items per the picture.  The little dress I taught at club, as was the heart vine topiary.  Cute, huh? The topiary was not complete at the picture taking.  My little white kitty (representing my late cat, Jack) sits curled up on the quilt.  

Finally, I used the samples I created for the La Petite Belle Pattern 1022, a shopping bag and hat, to fill out the corner next to the chair and to hang on the door.  (I was absent from the meeting when the hat was taught.)


  1. This is looking very pretty and I love the arrangement of items on the shelf


  2. all props are so pretty >////////<

  3. Very very pretty!
