You can see more of her fabulous figures on her website
The Corset
I have created a miniature hourglass corset to share with you today. It is for a curvy full figure. My dolls do not have Victorian thin waists. Their bodies are more anatomically correct, closer to modern day figure. I had to adjust the pattern I made for my doll, and tuck in extra material at the hips. Enjoy!
Step 1.
Select your fabric. You can work with silk or cotton. Most of old day corsets were made of heavy canvas. I chose pretty cotton fabric and added fine interfacing on the back for extra durability. Make extra copies of the pattern.
Step 2.
First transfer the pattern on the Freezer paper.
I used light and glass method of transferring. Iron your patterns on the fabric. Cut out your pieces. Carefully peel the paper off the fabric.
Step 3.
Run a tiny bead of glue on the seams, press with the iron. Your Corset starts looking like something now.
Now add fine laces or trim of your choice to the top and bottom of your miniature corset. I also glued tiny pearls to the front to imitate buttons. You can skip this step.
The pattern(click to see full size and print):
Oh, I just love this doll! Superb one! And great corsert tut!
Very neat!
Thank you, Anna. I can't wait to put this to use.
Wonderful tutorial,thanks
What a pretty picture and what a lovely doll! I love the corset and also the paniers. Can i buy the pattern for the paniers??
I think your Blog is great, very informative and inspirational.
Thank you, ladies, for kind words. The doll was fun to make. Undergarments are just as important as the gowns. :) Margot, I am very sorry, but I do not have a tutorial or a pattern for the paniers. I usually make dolls on the spur of the moment, without creating a pattern, very seldom I would actually develop one like the corset one. That is why I hate commissions. Those paniers did give me a lot of headache just to understand them. I did throw away the first ones. I used thick fishing line to put inside to keep them standing on the sides. The rest was folded, hand-stitched fabric, then gathered at the waist. Hope this helps.
amazing....... like everything you make.
Hermoso! Muchas gracias por compartir!
Thank you so much for the tutorial. I love corsets and this one is beautiful. I already have a few ideas on how to use them in dresses for my dolls. Iris
Thank you so much for the tutorial. The corset is beautiful. I can't wait to make some and add my own creativity to it. Iris
Thank you so much for the tutorial. The corset is beautiful. Iris
Thank you so much for the tutorial. The corset is beautiful.Iris
Magnificent! Beautiful doll and well done corset tutorial!
I am very happy to visit your site and i did like it. I was able to get some informative topics. keep it up and you can also visit my site for your reference. Thank you and have a good day.
I am very happy to visit your site and i did like it. I was able to get some informative topics. keep it up and you can also visit my site for your reference. Thank you and have a good day.
You are an awesome blogger. This is one of the best blog I had visited so far. Hope to read more post from you in the future. Keep it up. God bless.
Thank you so much! Midge and Allen's wedding is coming up, so I'm sure that Midge will love this!
Can i use your pattern for a project of mine? This is the best corset pattern I've seen on the internet and I feel guilty for using copyrighted art without permission. Thank you.
Is it possible to sew the corset and add some seam allowances instead of glueing?
Bree Walker
Thanks for give me information on this topic. Private tutor Gladwyne you have sharing very nice post.
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