Saturday, October 3, 2009

3-D Paper Doll

The box development
The paper doll project seen here is my production of what was an intriguing idea as a group project. Mixed media art has been one of my interests and though I have created some dimensional art in my watercolor classes, I had never tried this. The project gave me the incentive to try a “new to me” art. Being within my scope of interest and I took the challenge.

The appeal for me was to create fashion that was glamorous and feminine. I thought I would like to make a model on a fashion shoot where I could take great license with scenes and eras of style. The garden setting was timeless and I felt I could change eras, styles, and props on the model to go with any fashion. I searched the internet and found some interesting pictures that I borrowed for the project including this old garden gate in England. I have to tell you, most of the results are serendipitous as I did not have to manipulate the photographs much to get the look I was trying to achieve.
The participants in the project used the same box pattern and the same paper doll. I set to work on my idea by creating the box. After borrowing the pictures, sizing them correctly, I printed the pictures several times. The inside garden is made of three garden photographs cut apart and layered in a very traditional 3-D decoupage method. (I used scrapbook spacers instead of silicone for the dimension.) The gate took the most time, sizing it first, printing it, doing a little painting on it, and then cutting out the background. I think I spent a couple of days at this.
The brick wall was “created” in Microsoft® Publisher. I printed off the sidewalls and some gavel yard I found on the internet, too. I learned many new things while trying this challenge. While searching the internet I found a picture of an antique Roll Royce, it appeared perfect as a prop. This sets my mind to may new ideas or my model’s photo site.

Finally, I had to cover the box outside. The idea of a Vogue Magazine cover as it is a fashion shoot came to mind. I had seen a movie called “Cover Girl” and found the photo of it in a book. I told you, this was real serendipity. I got really luck on many occasions. In the same book, a movie fashion designer compendium was the two-page spread of the models that cover the outside. I added ribbon to tie it closed and the box project was complete.
This is quite an amateur project and I learned a lot. I would do quite a few different things should I try this again. Overall, it was a great exercise. I will present the doll and her clothes in the next installment.


DLSarmywife said...

Ooooh how very chic. I cannot wait to see the doll, her clothes and the entire scene! =D

Pattyjo said...

Wow! I love the scene you created. Have you ever thought to make up mini kits and sell them to people on line, like me? LOL
I would love to have a kit like that!
Pattyjo :+)

michellemahler said...

Michelle and Kathi,
I am enjoying your collaboration so much. You are doing exciting and creative things, and this box for photographing dolls is wonderful!
What a treasure trove of ideas.
NEW IN SEPTEMBER: The Bathtub Madonna

michellemahler said...

I just LOVE the background you have created. I am always looking for background ideas to use in photography for my 18" American Girl dolls. I looked in Publisher but sure couldn't find a brick wall. Could you give me any suggestions to find the brick and also the gate you used? Thank you. Judy